Saturday, February 13, 2010

NEWS : Meri Delli Meri Yamuna - Pre Event

Times of India
Times of India

Times of India Kannada

NEWS : Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inaugurates a talk on Meditation

The talk was hosted by Swami Vivekananda Seva Samiti

NEWS: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar honored at Yelahanka NITTE University

NEWS: Maharashtra regional Issue

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar advice to Shiv Sena

NEWS : Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Miscellaneous

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar opposes GM Crop in India

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in aprogram on Central Excise day

Vijay Karnataka features the largest ensemble of people doing the Sudarshan Kriya in jakkur airfield during the 2006 Art of Living Silver Jubilee Celebration

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Inaugurating 'Karnataka Bank' branch in Bangalore

Need to Spiritualize Politics - Sri Sri

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at a Mahasatsang in Orrisa
Sri Sri Inaugurates Stroke Awareness Centre in Haryana

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar with Salil Shetty - Director, United Nations Millennium Campaign

NEWS : Art of Living

Vikram Hazra Concert in Mangalore

Swami Pragyapad Opposing GM crop

NEWS: Leander Paes & Rhea Pillai in Ashram

Leander Paes visits Art of Living Ashram after winning his 11th Grand Slam

SPECIAL FEATURE : Celebrating 25 of Bangalore's most Powerful

Living in a space of Love is the Greatest Power - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

SPECIAL FEATURE : Stress is Out - Times of India

Article on Students Turning to Breathing Exercises to face Exams

Stress is out -Times of India ( Kannada Version)

SPECIAL FEATURE : Sri Sri on Pitaji

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar about his father

Friday, February 12, 2010

SPECIAL FEATURE : Management Next Magazine

Rise in Divine Love, without any logic - Management Next Magazine

KNOWLEDGE SHEET : Deccan Herald - Oasis

Buddha, Sangha & Dharma - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Immortal Love is within reach - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

KNOWLEDGE SHEET : Times of India - Speaking Tree

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Shiv Ratri
( Published Nationally)


Divine Love is Like the Sky : Infinite, Limitless - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
( Published Naionally)

Ullift your spirit with the joy of colour - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Holi
( published Nationally)

Use the Five Cs to combat corruption - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
( published Nationally)

Wake up to universal consciousness
( published Nationally)

KNOWLEDGE SHEET : Times of India Kannada - Vichara

Sri Sri Ravi Sankar on Shivratri ( Kannada)

REGULAR COLUMN : Ayurveda Cooking

Gajar ke Kofte - By Kaushani Desai

ONLINE : Leander Paes in Ashram

Saluting 25 most powerful Bangaloreans

Leander Paes in Art of Living ashram after winning the 11th Grand Slam ( DNA)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

KNOWLEDGE SHEET : Rashtriya Sahara

Anand ke rang se Jagrut Chethna

Divya Upastiti ki Anubhuti : Sri Sri Ravi Shankar